
Monday 11 June 2012

Job creation

The rich and middle classes don't want the poor or 'difficult' people living in their back yard, so all those poor or 'difficult' people either drift or are placed by the state into areas of social housing, or estates that have existing social problems.  

This tidily keeps them away from the rich and middle-classes, but means that emotions run higher in those 'problem places', often escalating into violence.   At that point the rich and middle-classes frown and say 'somebody should do something', the behaviours of the problem population get criminalised, there is a crack down on Anti Social Behaviour, and the middle classes exclaim that we should 'lock them all up and throw away the key'.

The government tries to shift from state delivered policies to community delivered policies, such as the incentive for local governments to help 'difficult' families escape from unemployment and truancy, as announced on the news this morning.  The community is held responsible for its own well-being and for sorting out its difficult residents, and is tasked with delivering social policies and engaging with their residents, but does anyone really want to get that involved beyond some public meetings and consultations?  Does anyone ask those poor or 'difficult' people or get them involved?  I doubt it, after all what would they know?  

My thought is: are the government and the rich / middle classes actually creating the problem places, which they then try to 'fix' ?  

Maybe it just a huge job-creation scheme for government and local authorities...


  1. Did you see the BBC program about Deptford High Street and how it was destroyed. Over whelming question of 'who made their fortune there'?

  2. Not yet but it's on my list to watch, now that the exam is out of the way!


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